I’ve grown to love AnimationCurves! I use them for all sorts of things and go to great lengths to tweak them to perfection.
But once they’re perfect, how do I get that perfect curve out of the curve editor and into the script, so that whenever I use this script in another project it will hold the same perfect curve?
Well, I’ve written a little editor-script that looks at all the scripts on your currently selected gameObjects and outputs all AnimationCurves it can find to the console, nicely formatted so you can simply copy/paste them into your script.
And bam! Perfection by default!
using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; using System; using System.Collections; public class AnimationCurveOutput : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("Assets/Log AnimationCurves")] public static void LogAnimCurves() { //Get selection Transform[] trs = Selection.GetTransforms (SelectionMode.Deep | SelectionMode.DeepAssets); //Look for AnimationCurves foreach (Transform tr in trs) { Component[] components = tr.GetComponents<Component>(); for (int i = 0; i < components.Length; i++) { Component c = components[i]; if (c != null) { Type t = c.GetType(); System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fieldInfo = t.GetFields(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo info in fieldInfo) { if(info.FieldType == typeof(AnimationCurve)) { Debug.Log (tr.name); LogAnimationCurve((AnimationCurve) info.GetValue(c)); } } } } } } static void LogAnimationCurve(AnimationCurve a) { LogAnimationCurve(a, false); } static void LogAnimationCurve(AnimationCurve a, bool square) { string str = "new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[] { "; int count = 1; foreach(Keyframe k in a.keys) { str += "new Keyframe(" + (k.time * (square ? k.time : 1f)) + "f, " + k.value + "f, " + k.inTangent + "f, " + k.outTangent + "f)"; if(count < a.keys.Length) str += ", "; else str += " "; } str += " });"; Debug.Log(str); } }
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