Announcing Speedlap RED, a highly focused, futuristic single-player racing game developed by BLACKISH – Coming to iPhone and iPod Touch this November!
Thread on the Unity Forums
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Unity: Changing shader color properties

If you want to change a color-value in a material’s shader you can use Material.SetColor(“_PropertyName”, Color.white); If you don’t know what that color value is called in the shader, get the the source of all the shaders in Unity here and have a look inside. This page in the docs might help as well…
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BATTLE BEARS is an iPhone game developed by BLACKISH for (and in colaboration with) SkyVu Pictures. It’s been released on the AppStore today! Get it here!
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Age of Curling: Scotland – Behind the scenes

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Unity: Rotated GUI-Text

The way to rotate gui-elements isn’t exactly straight-forward in unity… But after some hassle I manged to rotate a piece of text:

function OnGUI () {
var pos : Vector3 = new Vector3(100, 200, 0); //position for matrix
var quat : Quaternion = Quaternion.identity; //rotation for matrix
quat.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 90); //set the rotation to something - rotate around z!
GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(pos, quat,; //Apply the matrix
GUI.Label(Rect(0, 0, 200, 20), "Some Text"); //notice how the rect starts at 0/0 and the matrix handles the position!

This is still not ideal since the text will be a bit blurry, but it’s better than nothing…

Age of Curling: Venice – Behind the scenes

Modeling, baking, paintover – all done in modo 401
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Age of Curling 1.3

A sneak-peak at the new venue that will be in version 1.3 of Age of Curling (a free update, currently in review by Apple)

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How to put a variable into a variable name: eval();

var id : int = 1;
var item1 : String = "ho";
var item2 : String = "hum";

print(eval("item" + id));
This can of course be used for a lot more than just variables…
I’m guessing that this won’t work on the iPhone due to the ahead of time compiling, but I haven’t actually tried…
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Individual track heights in Logic

I though this wasn’t possible and almost gave up on Logic over this. I couldn’t find anything about it – neither in the manual nor in the settings, but now I stumbled upon it in some Youtube video… What a pleasant surprise!

This is how it’s done: click and drag the bottom-left corner of the track-title. Simple, I know – I tried dragging the bottom of that area about 50 times with all imaginable key-combinations pressed at the same time… well… now I know…
The technical term seems to be “Individual track zoom” and the cool thing is that if you now change the track heights globally through the little slider on the bottom-right of the window, it all scales relatively – and up/down to a certain max/min
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Sonar to Logic

I spent half of yesterday going through old music-files, trying to see if there’s a way to somehow bring the few good things over to the Mac and into Logicsomehow.
Some web-searches taught me that there’s no way to open my old .bun or .cwb files from Sonar 1/Calkewalk Pro Audio in Logic, so I started by bouncing tracks to individual files, but that’s not a good solution because even if a track only contains a short sample it will still result in a full-length and mostly empty wav-file… Furthermore all effects get baked in and all virtual instrument settings and midi information is lost.
And then I noticed the Export OMF item on the menu… Turns out OMF (Open Media Framework) is a decent solution. It packs all audio (no midi) into a single file leaving all clips intact and it imports flawlessly into Logic (or, well. it loses most settings, ignores muted and archived tracks, etc. – but still, all clips are there… luckily I never got into mixing much…)
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