Age of Curling: AI

Since a lot of people asked for it, I’ve been working on a computer opponent to play against. After some weeks of work it’s now close to being done and I’ll let you have a first look at it!

What was that? AI can’t really be seen in a screenshot? Ok, well then let me tell you something about it instead… ;)

  • It analyzes the position of the stones in play and decides on a throw based on the current score, the position of the stones and the phase of the end.
  • It knows more than 50 moves (and I’ll keep adding even more with every update)
  • It has a skipper to give you a basic idea of what it’s trying to achieve
  • You don’t have to watch the entire throw, you can fast forward right to the point where it gets interesting (= where the stone crosses the far hog-line)

Now just a few more days of polish and testing and it will be ready to go live!

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