GDC from home

Since the cost of going to GDC equals funding of about 2 months of development, I’m watching the events from home. Here’s some articles that caught my attention and some random comments to go with it though:

2D Boy talk about the development of World of Goo. They calculated that development cost about USD 96.000,- (that is for a team of two and two years of development time). Of those 96k they spent 4k on hardware, 1k on software, 5k on QA, 5k on localization and 5k for legal fees. That leaves 76k for living, thus around USD 1.500,- per person per month. (at the moment that converts to about EUR 1.100,-)

That’s pretty close to what I’m currently aiming for… It doesn’t take big investments to become an indie game developer – you need a home, a computer+software and enough money for food. – With a normal place, normal insurance, no car and no special treats it should be possible to get by with around EUR 13.000,- per year. The problem is this though: If you don’t manage to make a great game in that time, you could just as well take that money and throw it out the window… or go on a half-year vacation… or give it to charity… It’s all about the quality and originality of the game!

Monkey Ball iPhone Lessons: mostly blah blah, but 2 interesting points: They think waiting a long while before dropping the price caused it to have a bigger impact then. Who knows… could be true…
And number 2: For iPhone games, user reviews are much more important than any review score anywhere on the web. My experience is the same and I have data to support it… :]

Skip this boring list of game development tools, Unity is the way to go.

Neill Young hypes his own business field, announces endless sequels to best-selling game and wow – ngmoco managed to secure $10 million in funding? impressive…

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