Unity: Random Hint of the Day

Ever wanted to scratch (right-click-and-drag-to-change) transform values in Unity iPhone?
Ever wondered what the real names of the color-fields of a shader are? (If you want to do something like renderer.material.GetColor(“_SpecColor”))
Ever wanted to see your private variables in the inspector?
Ever noticed the little Debug Tab in Unity iPhone or the little Debug option in the Inspector Menu in Unity 2.5?
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    Marty Plumbo on October 28, 2009 at 12:30 | Permalink

    It's always bugged me (although not enough to get off my butt and submit a feature request) that there is no real "Full" view mode for the Unity inspector panels – one that gives you everything that you get in the current Full, as well as all of the stuff you get in Debug.

    I want it all – is that so wrong? ;-)

    Great post and great blog, col000r!

    hk網頁設計 on December 30, 2009 at 10:37 | Permalink

    Great post and great blog,i like your blog

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