Just found out that people who didn’t have the unity web-player installed already, saw this on the page of our new futuristic racing game:

Not nice… So I uninstalled the unity web-player plugin by deleting it from /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/ (browser-restart required) and went bug-hunting…
Turns out the default unity html code opens an iFrame and never closes it again. So if you change line 141 (at least that’s the line number for the html that comes out of unity 2.5) and let it just close the iFrame again like this, you should be fine:
document.write('<iframe name="InstallerFrame" height="0" width="0" frameborder="0"></iframe>\n');
et voilá:

Thanks for that. Could easily see myself running into that problem later and not knowing about it . . .
Nice layout, too, by the way!
nice post. I didn't even think of this becoming an issue until you explained it. thanks
Thank you for your article!
About col000r
Markus HoferIndie Game Developer
Austria, Europe
NEW ORBITAge of Curling
Speedlap Red
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