EDIT: This was written over a year ago and won’t help you with the current version of OpenFeint, sorry.
Integrating OpenFeint in a Unity iPhone project is pretty straightforward, just sign up, get the sdk and follow these steps. A few additional notes though…
I didn’t really manage to access the OpenFeint singleton from Javascript, it kept giving me ‘singleton’ is not a member of ‘callable() as void’ . So I wrote a simple C# script just for calling OpenFeint and call that from Javascript:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
//Notice how no "using OpenFeint;" or something like that is needed!
public class OpenFeintStuff : MonoBehaviour {
public void LaunchOpenFeint () {
SDK Integration (XCode):
ad 5: If it says Multiple Values next to “Other Linker Flags”, select only the active config, then edit the line. This is what it should read: -ObjC,-Wl,-S,-x
ad 6: The place to check for this is under Targets > Unity iPhone > Get Info > General – then look at the bottom and add the missing frameworks with the [+] button on the bottom left.
ad 11: Your product key and secret key need to look like this: @”x238476d-etc” (this is what strings look like in Objective-C)
If you want a social gaming platfor for your Unity iPhone game that is really easy to integrate you should check out AGON Online.
More info here: http://developer.agon-online.com
Videos here: http://youtube.com/agononline
AGON Games here: http://agon-online.com
AGON Online provides a full API for Unity that works for both Unity Basic and Advanced (API reference here: http://developer.agon-online.com/documentation/latest/class_agon.html)
Best regards,
AGON Online Developer
thanks for your"OpenFeint Unity Integration"
Links are not working. can you please refine it ?
This post was about an older version of OpenFeint. A lot has changed and I'm no longer using OpenFeint, so I don't know how it's done now, sorry.
What are you using?
Does it work with Droid too?
About col000r
Markus HoferIndie Game Developer
Austria, Europe
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