Unity: Windowed, Fixed-size OS X Apps

I want to build a desktop version of an iPhone game… It doesn’t look very well in fullscreen mode because the GUI simply wasn’t built with fullscreen in mind. So…

  • Edit > Project Settings > Player
  • Set Default Screen Width and Height to 320 and 480.
  • Set Display Resolution Dialog to Disabled
  • Set Default is Full Screen to Off
If I build the application like this it will pop up in windowed mode and in the right size. BUT I can still go to the menu and do Window > Full Screen (or press Cmd+F) and break it! Damn… And to make it worse, if you swatch back out of fullscreen mode it doesn’t go back to the default resolution I set in unity, instead it maximizes the window to the entire screen…
Luckily ToreTank pointed me to this thread on the unity-forum that holds the solution:
  • Build the App
  • Right-click on the App in the Finder and choose Show Package Contents
  • Navigate to Contents > Resources and open MainMenu.nib in Interface Builder
  • Select Window > Full Screen from the small floating representation of the menu und hit Delete (If it’s not open already, double-click MainMenu in the Interface Builder Document Window)
And while you’re there you might also want to add your copyright to the About Box…
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