The downsides of using middleware

Unity 3.0 is out! yay! and nooo! Because this will be the death of Unity iPhone 1.7. “No problem, just upgrade your project to 3.0″ you say? “Well, it’s not that simple” I answer.

A lot of stuff changed, a ton of great stuff was added in 3.0. But PhysX was upgraded to a newer version and behaves very different now. On Age of Curling I spent a lot of time tweaking the physics, so upgrading the project to 3.0 breaks it completely and this won’t be easy to fix.
So two options for me: Do I spend a lot of time trying to upgrade the project, just so I can continue to release updates? or do I continue to work in 1.7 until the day comes where Apple has added enough changes to the SDK and 1.7 will finally no longer cut it?
I chose the second option for now and just hit the first hurdle. I’ll probably make a new post about it and delete this angry mumbling of a post… Or maybe I’ll post it just so the last 15 mins don’t feel completely wasted.
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