C#: public int[] val = new int[3] {1, 2, 3};
JS: var val : int[] = [1, 2, 3];
About col000r
Markus Hofer
Indie Game Developer
Austria, Europe -
- Moving
- Moving Oculus Home
- The dark side of VR
- The cloud
- Host a TNet server on Amazon EC2
- Tales from the Museum of Unnecessary Purchases: Komplete 9 on OS X 10.6.8
- A Rant: Software updates. What will they screw up this time?
- Unity: Log AnimationCurves
- Unity: Creating an Installer
- Making InControl work with NGUI
- Additive Shader
- Unity: Building for Android
- Kickstarter
- Unity: Marking classes or functions as Obsolete
Why the Unity subscription model isn’t good for
anyonemost people