Greatest App Ever – Rejected

In early 2009 the App Store hype was at its max, everyone loved reading stories of one-man-companies getting filthy rich with ridiculous apps. Well, I was getting a bit sick of it to be honest… So I set out to end it all by creating the ultimate iPhone app.

I stripped away piece after piece until I arrived at the pure and beautiful core – the heart of it, if you will – and created the ultimate App Store app to rule all other apps. Simple, yet deep. Fast to grasp, yet always new.

Unfortunately the Apple App Store review team didn’t recognize the artistic value, let alone the cultural importance of this app and rejected it for offering “no value to the user”.

Money Generator
An app that does nothing but display
how much money it has generated.
PS: There was also going to be a free trial version:
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    gtjuggler on October 20, 2011 at 16:45 | Permalink

    Tack on a blatant copycat ripoff of a classic game, such as a tetris clone, just to get through approval.

    mr_pot on December 28, 2011 at 12:32 | Permalink


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